“Readers Pick Their 100 Best Books of the 21st Century,” New York Times, July 18, 2024.
Olive Kitteridge on the NYT 100 Best Books List
“When this novel-in-stories won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2009, it was a victory for crotchety, unapologetic women everywhere, especially ones who weren’t, as Olive herself might have put it, spring chickens... Her small-town travails instantly became stand-ins for something much bigger, even universal.”
“The 100 Best Books of the 21st Century,” New York Times, July 8, 2024.
LitHub: Writing 'Women of a Certain Age'
“The two characters that I have written who are older are Olive Kitteridge and Lucy Barton. It’s interesting because as I wrote them it was their character that was most important to me, and their age was simply a piece of that character. So even though I knew I was writing about older people I didn’t think about that in a way, except to make sure they were always who they were.”
On Writing Olive Kitteridge
“I am always interested in the fact that in small communities people believe they know each other, and yet they know only a sliver of that person. It fascinates me to think of the point of view of every person being different.”
Waterstones bookshops in the UK has selected Olive Kitteridge as their Fiction Book of the Month for August. They invited me to write a little something on writing Olive Kitteridge for their blog. So there it is!
HBO’s Olive Kitteridge wins six Emmy Awards
“In addition to being named as the best limited series or movie, the series’s director Lisa Cholodenko, lead actress Frances McDormand and supporting actor Bill Murray, all walked away with awards.”
Congratulations to Frances McDormand and the other Emmy winners on HBO’s Olive Kitteridge! So well deserved. Very, very happy for them all!